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  • 「Sun Fun Gun 」刺猬2012全国巡演 Hedgehog 2012 China Tour
    2012-03-01 11:14:26 cat:NEWs 
    3.25-6.16<图2> 03.24 (周六) 天津 13CLUB 60RMB/50RMB(预售) http://site.douban.com/tj13club/ 天津市河北区 北安桥头 自由道与胜利路交口 自由道58号 意式风情街内 13672183350/13612087080/13012257305 03.30 (周五) 长沙 Freedom House
  • 关于北京年青一代地下音乐人 -- 子健专访
    2012-01-12 16:45:36 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    by 旮旯 子健你好,我是伦敦政治经济学院 (London School of Economy and Political Science)的学生,现在正在写关于北京年青一代地下音乐人身份建构的硕士毕业论文,需要对你进行采访,如果你能同意我将感激不尽。 <图1> When you write new songs, are you very self-aware, ve
  • Grow Up Together!2012.12.02 live @愚公移山 刺猬专场采访视频
    2012-01-09 14:28:40 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    草壳和牛人库拍摄了刺猬在愚公移山的专场演出的部分视频和采访,感谢大家的工作。 #code#<h4>#/code#By caoker.com 草壳网#code#</h4>#/code# #code# <object width="400" height="224" id="_player" data=&q
  • 【视频采访 by niurenku.com】2011刺猬全国巡演北京站Ⅰ 公路巡演
    2012-01-09 14:27:50 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjYzMDMxMjky.html <图1>
  • Hedgehog equipments requirements, Stage Pos&Settings, LED LOGO image download etc.
    2011-12-16 17:56:00 cat:About/Contact/Stage Sets/VJ etc. 
    #code# 刺猬舞台站位与设备图/HEDGEHOG Stage Positions&Equipments Introduction 刺猬乐队设备清单 1.吉他音箱/GUIITAR AMP x1 ROLAND JC-120/40 / MESA分体 / FENDER/ORANGE TH-100/Mashell JCM-800/900 (品牌与型号优先级按顺序) 2.贝斯/
  • 圣诞在D22 Christmas Eve@D22
    2011-12-12 15:49:31 cat:NEWs 
    with White+(http://site.douban.com/whiteplus/) Mr. Graceless(http://site.douban.com/mrgraceless/ )<图1>
  • Grow Up Together!刺猬2011专场演出!
    2011-10-18 15:33:42 cat:NEWs 
    "Grow Up Together !"Hedgehog 2011 concert @ YuGongYiShan , Beijing , 2011.12.02 <图1> 狠扎!!!Hedgehog rock live , come fucks with this on Dec 2nd 2011 !!! 早在2007年,三个稚气未脱的小崽儿在他们签约摩登天空
  • Fun Tour , New Record , New York
    2011-09-22 14:50:37 cat:NEWs 
    We played all our new staffs during our currently US tour with Xiu Xiu and Kindest Lines , and some of them are in our [Still Alive] live recording CD(on sale during the tour) , glad to see people enj
  • 刺猬2011美国巡演日程 | 2011 Hedgehog USA tour w/ Xiu Xiu and Kindest Lines
    2011-08-20 22:14:11 cat:NEWs 
    Poster Art(by ZO)<图1> 4-Sep at Bruar Falls, New York,NY with Sleepies http://sleepies.bandcamp.com/ Trabajo http://trabajo.bandcamp.com/ 5-Sep Cake Shop http://cake-shop.com/ 152 Lud
  • New Songs ! First Gig ! Live Recording ! 一吨新歌首演
    2011-08-13 22:39:14 cat:NEWs 
    last night @ MAO , we played some of our new staff the first time you can download the live recording here http://hedgehogrock.com/download/Hedgehog 20110812@MAO.rar or just smell them on lin
  • Beijing Underground Band “Hedgehog” Hits the Road
    2011-08-08 19:58:01 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    source link : http://www.chinesecultureinstitute.com/blog/beijing-band-hedgehog-20110420/ <图2> Beijing Underground Band “Hedgehog” Hits the Road Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 at 16:45. The hug
  • 近期演出 gigs
    2011-08-04 11:13:01 cat:NEWs 
    08.12 @ MAO Livehouse ,虎牌啤酒助兴 虎啤跨艺界 乐队龙虎榜 虚言症乐队 蜜三刀乐队 玉麟军乐队 UnionBunny乐队 助阵:刺猬 预售票价: 50元/张 (学生票价:40元/张,凭学生证) 现场票价: 70元/张 (学生票价:60元/张,凭学生证) 晚上7点半入场 08.28 @ 长阳音乐节 Chang Yang Festival 下午4、5
  • 北京発グランジ系ロックバンド【刺猬(Hedgehog)】に聞く中国の「事情」
    2011-08-02 14:01:03 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    interviewed by 山本佳奈子 (Kanako Yamamoto) source link : http://www.offshore-mcc.net/2011/08/hedgehog.html 北京には数えきれないほどのインディーズバンドがいる。おそらく、日本以外のアジアで、現在一番アンダーグラウンドミュージックが盛んな都市が、北京だ。素晴らしい音を聴かせてくれるバンド・DJな
  • ZO’s “Rock To Home” Trip with Hedgehog
    2011-07-06 11:01:20 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    source link:http://www.layabozi.com/2011/07/zos-rock-to-home-trip-with-hedgehog/ <图1> During 2011 Hedgehog has been touring around China showing their latest album Honeyed and Killed, and
  • To C☏ntact Us
    2011-04-25 00:20:10 cat:About/Contact/Stage Sets/VJ etc. 
    「另一个世界的噪音流行。」 独立/噪音摇滚乐队,2005年成立于北京。 Indie/Noise Rock Band based in Beijing, CHINA ♪经纪人勺子 微博@spoonnnnn 微信shaozi111 邮件(优先处理)shaozhuo@taihe.com 电话13691230324(周一至五13-19点他时勿扰) ciweiyuedui@126
  • Bi✪/About HEDGEHOG
    2011-04-22 13:14:58 cat:About/Contact/Stage Sets/VJ etc. 
    For Stage Settings And Live LED Background Logos Download Click Here:http://ciweiyuedui.com/article/hedgehog_equipments_requirements-_stage_pos-amp-amp-settings-_led_logo_image_download_etc Hedgeho
  • 2011专辑《甜蜜与杀害》专访
    2011-06-02 02:25:45 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    by 叶子阿姨(好戏网) , 2011.5 http://www.mask9.com/node/29101 <图1> 从《白日梦蓝》中的“青春,是青涩的年代,我明白,明天不会有色彩”,到《金色年华,无限伤感》中的“关于理想的故事,已不再有感觉”,再到《最后,我们会一起去海边》中的“永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶”,刺猬是一颗甜蜜的子弹,在我们的胸腔开出一朵蔷薇,开到荼蘼的灿烂和无
  • 2010 New York Trip 纽约纪实
    2011-06-13 17:11:05 cat:NEWs 
    atom in bedford train station<图1> Videos by little kill http://mdigi.com.cn/video/play/328 (Brooklyn Show) http://mdigi.com.cn/video/play/329 http://mdigi.com.cn/video/play/331 http://mdi
  • Cityweek End & pangbianr.com 专访 , 2011.3
    2011-06-26 22:51:27 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    原文地址 source : http://pangbianr.com/hedgehog-interviews/ video watch on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXiUbzy8Uk8 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU0ODI3MDcy.html 这个春天,刺猬乐队正在续写新的篇章,正在
  • 桑拿爆尾的2011年国内巡演
    2011-04-23 13:41:29 cat:NEWs 
    关键词:大学生、车祸、热、噪、海。 昨天在MAO结束了我们2011年的国内巡演,太热了,感谢张内咸与草莓100%团队,感谢所有来的桑拿到最后的观众。 昨天MAO太热了,摇滚乐也是人啊 无缝开场:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjYxMjU2NTEy.html 1 白日梦蓝 Blue Daydreaming 2 春天来了 In Spring


Interviews and Reports (33)
About/Contact/Stage Sets/VJ etc. (3)
NEWs (30)
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