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  • 5.12 Noisey.com SHOW@Yu Gong Yi Shan
    2011-04-30 11:44:40 cat:NEWs 
    <图1> NOISEY.COM 上线派对 Launch Party 时间/Date: 9:00pm 12th May 场地/Venue: 愚公移山 Yu Gong Yi Shan 乐队/Bands: P.K.14 / 刺猬 HEDGEHOG / 憬观:像同叠 THE OFFSET:SPACTACLES 免费索票请发送邮件和你的姓名到 FOR A FREE TIC
  • 刺猬2009美国巡演专访 - Red, White and Blue Daydreaming [weliveinbeijing.com]
    2011-06-02 02:35:05 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    圣地亚哥<图7> by Pete DeMola (WeLiveInBeijing.com): http://www.weliveinbeijing.com/GroupNews/news2.rails?passport=cnull&Nid=1000001047 Red, White and Blue Daydreaming Local guitarist Zo d
  • 5.1 草莓音乐节 strawberry festival
    2011-04-27 18:23:38 cat:NEWs 
    北京 5月1日 草莓舞台 17:30-18:30 刺猬 原定17:30的演出可能会提前到16:30,因为叶蓓的吉他手没买到机票,刺猬可能会临时调到前面演,演出时间会加长,也许还是17:30,需当天等主办方安排。 our show maybe start at 16:30 , because there is something wrong with the band Ye P
  • 城市画报专访 , 2009.10
    2011-06-02 02:23:26 cat:Interviews and Reports 
    <图1> 《刺猬乐队:其实我们一直在抒情》 1. 有人说刺猬乐队出到第三张专辑依然在唱青春,你们怎么看? Happy Idle Kid是起点,是成长的狂躁,孤独的内心对将来未知一切的呐喊。 噪音袭击世界是宣言,对世界的宣言,是野心,是恋爱的甜美与苦涩,是后北京新声时代奏鸣曲,是复古与对童年时光的回忆。 白日梦蓝是梦,是忧郁,无奈,是理想与现实的落差,是逃避现实的
  • 4.22@MAO Livehouse Beijing
    2011-04-21 17:47:07 cat:NEWs 
    Hedgehog new LP<Honeyed And Killed> & new DEMO<2011 DEstroy meMOries> release Show Addr:111 , GuLou East St , Beijing 演出海报<图1>


Interviews and Reports (33)
About/Contact/Stage Sets/VJ etc. (3)
NEWs (30)
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