- » 歌词 » 请宰了我 ♪ 歌词
  • 0. 请宰了我
    Please Kill Me 4'04''

    I'm holding a watch
    But the time has stopped
    I know i should stop
    But how
    I was ready to die
    When all my friends arrive
    They are celebrating my sets
    Until the next moon rise
    I'm choking on a bread
    Twisting in my bed
    Baring the aches on my back
    With a rope hanging on my neck
    Tell me my lord
    Right from wrong
    Weak from strong
    over from Overcome
    Dying in soft 
    stay in low
    save me from loudness
    When life goes chaos
    🎸 - ?


    1 = C (根音)
    120 bpm (速度 bit per minute)
    ♩= (4分音符) = 1bit
    ♪ = 1/2♩(8分音符) = 1/2bit
    ♫ = 2 x 1/2♩=1bit
    -/↓/↑ = 1/2♩(8分音符) = 1/2bit
    ♬ = 2 x 1/2 ♪ (16分音符) = 1/2bit
    | = 小节线  
    数字 = 品位 = ♪
    默认时值 = 1/2bit) 
    🎸 +0 ¹E²B³G⁴D⁵A⁶D↓
    B F D
    C F #F G #D G F D

  • 0 s
    0 s