Rehearsal For 2016 Beijing StrawBerry Festival GuanZheng on Drum
(Recorded On 2016.04.28 15:00-19:00|2016.04.28 15:00-19:00 录制)
2016北京草莓音乐节与关争的排练录音 |
我们的表演时间是 2016-05-01 15:30 to 16:10 表演歌单 (1). 21 世纪当我们还年轻时 (4'04'') (2). 清晨里燃烧的太阳 (6'17'') (3). 24小时摇滚聚会 (6'39'') (4). 白日梦蓝 (5'10'') (5). 杀死你的时代 (4'59'') (6). Kill Rock Star (2'55'') (7). Save Me As You (3'50'') (8). 和鲨鱼一起冲浪 (2'26'') (9). 金色年华,无限伤感 (4'24'') 共耗时:40'44'' 歌词:http://ciweiyuedui.com/playlist/lyrics/set-list-rehearsal-for-2016-strawberry-festival-beijing/ 演出:http://ciweiyuedui.com/gigs/20160501
We Play On 2016-05-01 15:30 to 16:10 SETLIST (1). 21 Centary When We Were Still Young (4'04'') (2). Burning Sun In The Morning (6'17'') (3). 24 Hours Rock Party (6'39'') (4). Blue Daydreaming (5'10'') (5). Kill Your Age (4'59'') (6). Kill Rock Star (2'55'') (7). Save Me As You (3'50'') (8). Surf With Shark (2'26'') (9). Golden Age Infinit Sadness (4'24'') 40'44'' in TOTAL Lyrics:http://hedgehogrock.com/playlist/lyrics/set-list-rehearsal-for-2016-strawberry-festival-beijing/ Gig:http://hedgehogrock.com/gigs/20160501
1 = C (root note) 120 bpm (bit per minute) 4/4 -------------------------------------------- ♩= (1/4bar note) = 1bit ♪ = 1/2♩(1/8bar note) = 1/2bit ♫ = 2 x 1/2♩=1bit -/↓/↑ = 1/2♩(1/8bar note) = 1/2bit ♬ = 2 x 1/2 ♪ (1/16bar note) = 1/2bit | = bar line Number = Guitar Pad Position = ♪ (when without appendix mark default value = 1/2bit) -------------------------------------------
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